Serving in Our Community and the World
ARPC is blessed to partner with the Charlotte Eagles (a wonderful soccer ministry) as the host for a ministry for third graders through high school age from schools in our east Charlotte area. The students meet in our Family Life Center for recreation, a quick snack, and the actual tutoring, which is done by volunteers from the Charlotte Eagles coaches and older players, and the general public.
Vacation Bible School
During the summer, we reach out to the community to invite children to join us in our Vacation Bible School to learn about Christ through recreation, the arts, music and stories. Each year brings a new theme that is both adventurous and educational.
Watch for our 2025 Summer dates to post soon!
Room In The Inn
This ministry to the homeless of the greater Charlotte area is a blessing to ARPC. From December to March on Wednesday nights, we partner with Roof Above to bring some of the homeless to our church for a hot meal, bath and warm place to sleep. Our members take joy in making the guests feel welcome, comfortable and serving meals “fit for a king”.
To learn more, or to see the many volunteer opportunities, click below. Additionally, all job descriptions and procedures can also be found on the Sign-up Link below.
Thank you for blessing many this season!
Operation Sandwich
Started in 2021, this mission operates during the months when our congregation is not busy with Room In The Inn. We then participate in “Operation Sandwich” where we make 200 lunches once a month to contribute to the lunch program sponsored by Roof Above. We are always looking for ways to assist our less fortunate neighbors. Come along beside us and see what you can do!
Community Partners
We are blessed to have partners in our community to serve beside:
East Charlotte Presbyterian Church
Central United Methodist Church
Albemarle Road Middle School
Albemarle Road Elementary School
Simmons YMCA
Congregations for Kids
Charlotte Eagles
Girl Scouts of America
Learning Help Centers of Charlotte
Urban Promise