Music Ministry
Promoting Gospel-centered worship that glorifies God, declares His truth, and unites His people.
Oh come, let us sing to the Lord;
let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!
Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving;
let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!
Psalm 95:1-2
Music is an important part of our worship at Albemarle Road. We believe that God’s people are a singing people, called to worship together through music and song. Our mission is to glorify God, declare His truth and unite His people through the unique medium of music.
We maintain a unified style of music in our services that includes classic and modern hymns, praise and worship music, choral anthems, classical music and more.
Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir participates in Sunday worship services by leading congregational singing and with choral anthems. These anthems vary in style but are all based on Biblical truths. We enjoy singing the love of Jesus over each other and our congregation each Sunday. We also participate in several fellowship activities throughout the year. Each fall we have our annual retreat in Montreat, NC, where we begin preparing music for the Christmas season. Through weekly devotionals and prayer, we seek to support one another and grow together in our faith and understanding of God. The Chancel Choir welcomes high school students and adults who have interest in worshiping God in this special way. Rehearsals are on Wednesday nights from 7:30 pm-9:00 pm
The Praise Team
The Praise Team consists of singers and instrumentalists who lead congregational singing during Sunday services and other events. We have a diverse team of individuals that seek to honor and serve God through music. We are passionate about songs that are rich in Biblical truth and declare the Gospel of Jesus. We join forces with the Chancel Choir on Sunday mornings to lead congregational worship as well as events for Christmas, Easter and other special services. Through weekly devotionals and prayer, we seek to support one another and grow together in our faith and understanding of God. The Praise Team welcomes high school students and adults who wish to use their musical talent to serve God in this unique way. Rehearsals are Wednesday nights from 6:00 pm-7:30 pm.
Children’s Choir
The Children’s Choir is part of our Sunday School program and welcomes children K-5th grade who love to sing and want to have fun! Children’s Choir is a unique and exciting opportunity for students to learn about Jesus through singing, dancing and plenty of laughing. Our Children’s Choir often sings during services and other special fellowship events. We gather together at 9:00 am on Sunday mornings to practice our songs and praise Jesus together.
Audio / Visual Team
Another way to get involved in the music ministry is through the Audio/Visual team. This team is in charge of the technological aspects of worship. This includes running the soundboard, managing the projectors, video recording, running slides, organizing and repairing equipment, and more. We are always looking for volunteers who are passionate about worship to serve in this area. The AV Team welcomes anyone ages 14 and older. Training is available to all who wish to join our team!
Want to Get Involved?
If you would like to be a part of our music ministry, please feel free to contact us.